On March 14, 2013 participants from University Park and nine Commonwealth Campuses attendedData Tools to Help Student Success, a panel discussion featuring Andrew Kelly, Data Analyst, Eberly College of Science; and Curt Marshall, Coordinator of Multicultural Programs, College of Arts and Architecture. This session, sponsored by the IR Interest Group, introduced participants to a method for examining whether students meet the prerequisites for their registered courses and a query used to identify students with financial holds on their records.

These files correspond to one of the slides in Curt Marshall’s presentation “Student Persistence: Data Needs for Success”.

The Access database and Word instructions below contain queries and steps for identifying students who have not yet paid their tuition but who are accruing housing charges. The queries return all ethnicities, billing, and housing information for SCHEDuled students within the current semester. 

ID Scheduled Students.accdb

Using the ID Scheduled Students database.docx

Click here for a a recording of this session. (Due to technical issues at the start of the session, the recording starts with the session already in progress.)